Book chapter
13. Value-sensitive design
Value Sensitive Design (VSD) is a theoretically grounded approach to the design of developing technology in consideration of human values and standards in the design and development process [334]. The concept was developed by Batya Friedman, which aims to consider not only the values of the users, but also the values of the stakeholders who are indirectly affected by the technology [335]. Value Sensitive Design provides designers, developers and business leaders strategies on what to consider as the human values in the design and developing process of the technologies. The main idea is to consider the moral impacts on humans and their environment, while developing new technologies. According to Friedman [334], Value Sensitive Design itself brings forward a unique constellation of eight features.
- The first feature of VSD is that it is proactive, which means that it influences the technology already in the designing phase and prevents getting ethically questionable results.
- VSD also seeks to consider the values in fields besides the workplace, like education, home, commerce, online communities and public life.
- It applies one unique tripartite methodology, which is discussed in detail in section 10.1.4.
- VSD takes all values, especially those with moral import, which is related to fairness, justice, human welfare and virtue in consideration.
- VSD pays attention to the moral values in the usability of a system. It seeks to create systems, which are easy to use, easy to learn, consistent, easy to maintain and also socially acceptable, regarding the ethical values of privacy.
- VSD distinguishes between direct and indirect stakeholders and identifies them. Direct stakeholders refer to people or organizations, which are affected by the use of the system. Indirect stakeholders are all other parties, who are affected by the use of the system through others. An example for the stakeholders in the field of AI and self-driving cars would be a self-driving car, which collides into another car on the street. In this case the direct stakeholder would be the person in the automated self-driving car and the indirect stakeholder would be the driver of the other car.
- VSD can be considered as an interactional theory. This means that the actual use of the technology depends on the goals of the people who are interacting with it. Technologies iteratively change after human interactions over time.
Knowledge clip
[collapsibles][collapse title=”Authors”]Gal Mrvar, Betül Sezer, Christian Lang, François Tronche-Macaire, Jakub Szulwiński
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